Thursday, October 31, 2019

Parenting Styles and the Chinese Tiger Mother. Why Chinese Mothers Are Essay

Parenting Styles and the Chinese Tiger Mother. Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior - Essay Example The authoritarian style is characterized by parents who may be depicted as being absolutely in control mode in dealing with their children. Orders are to be carried out unquestioningly, and no explanations are given. The child has no freedom to make any choices. The parents set the bar for performance exceptionally high, and insist that the child meets those standards. Any failure in rising to these expectations is met with harsh criticism. In the case of authoritative, or democratic, parents, control is tempered with affection. The emphasis is on firm guidance and not on punishment. The child is encouraged to share the responsibility for the decisions taken, and is given reasons and explanations for any behavioral expectations. On the other hand, permissive parents grant the child unlimited freedom of choice. This involves a very hands-off approach, in which the parents set no rules, have no expectations, and make no effort to discipline the child. This style is based on uncondition al acceptance. Amy Chua’s parenting style, as evidenced by her article Why Chinese Mothers are Superior, is obviously based on authoritarianism. Chua is in absolute control of her daughters lives.

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